I hated dolls at Christmas. I wanted farm sets, with tractors and barns and horses that went into toy stalls and corrals. I played with those for hours.
I never had a sister to show me how to do make-up. Instead, I had two brothers who showed me how to be tough.
Fast forward to present day. I am about the same. I would rather clean the chicken pen than fix dinner.
I do enjoy getting my toenails painted (in the summer) but fingernails? Forget it.
I am daily grubbing in the dirt: planting, weeding, cutting blackberries, hiking, taking care of animals and basically getting dirty. (I love dirt.)
So when my daughter decided to host a Jamberry party, with lots of designer nails to choose from, I initially balked.
Not for me. I don't wear that kind of stuff.
But being a supportive mother, I decided to at least look through the designs.
And O.M.G. I LOVE them. I find myself dreaming about being a girly-girl now, and wearing, you know, actual "outfits" (instead of just my newest pair of jeans and clean t-shirt.)
And picking out designer nails to go with my "outfits." (They even have some nails with horses on them! But none with cats, at least that I could find.) But Flowers. Yes! Lots of Flowers.
Here are my favorites so far.
But I also like:

So what do you think? Which ones should I choose?
Is there any hope for me ever being a real Girly-Girl?
P.S. To see even more spectacular nails from Jamberry, here's the link to my daughter's site: http://Cali.jamberrynails.net