I rationalize my waste of time by telling myself I am warding off Alzheimer's by keeping my brain cells working. But actually, I've decided that my obsession with FreeCell has helped me in other areas of life - including writing.
Oh this is getting good now. Tell me more.
Okay. When I was a beginner, I only played the easy games. The ones with aces down low, so you can put them away easily. The ones without many high face cards on the bottom - yuck. And if you can't win a game, you just hit the button for New Game, right? That way it only counts as one loss in you statistics.
But the heck with statistics. I wanted to get better at the game (and it's not like anybody really cares about your score, right?) So now, if I come to a stuck place where there are no more moves, I start the game over and play again. (On really difficult games I may have to do this several times!) This plays havoc with your stats, but I'm stubborn, and each time I unlock the puzzle, it teaches me to be a better player.
So transpose that to writing. If you can't make your plot come out, or your characters behave, or if you get stuck somewhere in your manuscript, sometimes you have to do a Game Over, put it away, and restart it. Turn it around. Try a different track. Keep going until Something Works.
The same with publishing. Sometimes you just have to pick up and go down a different path.
The same with life, really. If something doesn't work, turn it around, try something else, until finally you find your way.
Boy, I'm really good at rationalization, huh? The Tao of FreeCell: How I learned everything about life from playing a card game on my computer.
So there you have it. Are you a FreeCell addict? Any other games you play instead?